🧑🏻‍💻How to Delete Your Documents from AskYourPDF Server

AskYourPDF is a cloud based document management tool that helps its users analyze, manage, and upload their documents on the server.

🧑🏻‍💻How to Delete Your Documents from AskYourPDF Server
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AskYourPDF is a cloud based document management tool that helps its users analyze, manage, and upload their documents on the server.
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How to Delete Your Documents from AskYourPDF Server
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AskYourPDF is a cloud based document management tool that helps its users analyze, manage, and upload their documents on the server. These documents are then used for whatever purpose the user intends for which could be data extraction, content summarization, editing, or merging.
Our AskYourPDF tool offers a robust cloud storage system and provides your document with the adequate security and privacy it needs. However, if for any reason you want to delete your documents based on reasons like you no longer need the doc or any reason best known to you, you are free to do so.
In this article, I will be detailing the step by step processes to delete your documents from AskYourPDF server regardless of the device and platform you are deleting from. Without any further ado, let's get right into it.

Various Methods of Deleting your Docs from AskYourPDF Server

1. Deleting Through ChatGPT

One of the most straightforward methods to delete your document is by using ChatGPT. Here's how:
  • Type "delete doc-id" in the chat, where "doc-id" is your actual document id or document name.
  • ChatGPT will delete your document and notify you that it has been deleted!
  • To delete all documents simultaneously, use the prompt “delete all documents”. Be careful here because this action is irreversible.

2. Deleting Through the Website

If you've uploaded your document via the AskYourPDF website, you can easily delete it from there. Here's the process:
  • Locate your document in the documents tab, click on the delete option, and your document will be removed.
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3. Deleting Through the Mobile App

Here's how to delete your document via the mobile app:
  • Login to the AskYourPDF mobile app.
  • Locate your document in the documents tab, click on the delete option, and your document will be removed.
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If you're looking for a quick way to delete your document without navigating through the website or app, this method is for you:
  • A dialogue box will appear, prompting you to enter your document ID.
  • Input your document id in the dialogue box.
  • Click on the delete button, and your document will be removed from the server.

Tips for Improving Your Document Security

1. Encrypt Your Documents: It is important that you encrypt your documents regardless of whether they are sensitive or not before uploading it to any cloud based server or online service. Doing this does not just just add any extra layer of security to your document but ensures it is safe even if it is compromised.
2. Read and Understand T&Cs: I know AskYourPDF offers a robust cloud storage for your documents and has a solid privacy policy that promises the safety of Its users documents. However, it is important to always read and fully understand the terms and conditions of AskYourPDF and any other service before use.
Doing this helps you become aware of how your documents and data is handled and stored so they during the deleting process you have peace of mind knowing that your information was not compromised
3. Update Passwords: As much as you can, regularly update your passwords especially when you are using cloud based services or document management tools more frequently. Also make use of two-factor authentication if it is available to further secure your account and data.
4. Backup Your Documents: This helps to ensure that your documents can be retrieved if they get lost or the file gets corrupted. To ensure a proper backup of your documents, keep digital copies in various reputable cloud-based services and a few hard copies in a safe file and place.

Best Document Management Practices

1. Be Consistent: One of the best practices for your document management is to stay consistent with your tags and filters. Doing so does not only optimize your file organization but also makes it very accessible and time saving for other users who have access to the document.
2. Use Proper Naming Pattern: When a document is properly named, it does not just allow room for uniformity but also saves the time it takes to search for the document. Furthermore, the document will not get easily lost or forgotten.
So use proper names that can be remembered especially if you are sharing the file with others. The naming code be keywords or codes that are easy to sort and memorize.
3. Automate: One of the best practices for your document is to prioritize automations. This helps you save time and improve your productivity and workflow. Use AskYourPDF to get the best automation results for your documents.
4. Easy Accessibility: Make your documents to be easily accessible and safe on any device and from anywhere, at any time. Use cloud based document management applications like AskYourPDF and supported document formats so you can easily upload and download your documents.
5. Integration: Being able to integrate your documents to other software and storage systems like Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack helps make the file sharing process sleek and top of it is that it ensures that you interact with and save your files in one location. So consider integration options when choosing your document manager.


Deleting your documents from AskYourPDF server is a simple process,  ensuring sensitive information in your document remains private and secure. The steps to take to delete your documents are already outlined in this guide with guarantees that your data privacy is prioritized.
I hope you find the process seamless, and feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or issues along the way. Till then, enjoy!

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure?
Data privacy is our highest priority, so yes, your data is secure, and the application uses industry-standard (SSL encryption) security measures to protect your information.
Is there a limit to the size of the document that can be uploaded?
Yes, the maximum file size for document uploads is 15MB for free users. However, Premium and Pro users can upload as high as 30MB and 90MB, respectively. For larger file sizes, users need to contact us for the enterprise plan.
Can I upload multiple documents at once?
No, you can only upload one document at a time. But this will be possible in the future.
Can I upload password-protected documents to AskYourPDF?
No, you cannot upload password-protected documents to AskYourPDF.
Is there a limit to the number of documents I can upload?
Free users can upload one document per day. Premium and Pro users can upload 50 and 150 documents per day, respectively. For a higher number of uploads, users need to contact us for the enterprise plan.

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Fredrick Eghosa

Written by

Fredrick Eghosa

Love’s writing content about AI subjects and use cases