How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text

You can use ChatGPT to summarize long texts by copying the whole text and pasting it on ChatGPT’s Chat box with a prompt that says something like “summarize this text”. You can also use AskYourPDF to directly upload the document and get the summary, or use the AskYourPDF ChatGPT plugin to get the summary without having to copy and paste the whole text.

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How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text
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You can use ChatGPT to summarize long texts by copying the whole text and pasting it on ChatGPT’s Chat box with a prompt that says something like “summarize this text”. You can also use AskYourPDF to directly upload the document and get the summary, or use the AskYourPDF ChatGPT plugin to get the summary without having to copy and paste the whole text.
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How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text

You can use ChatGPT to summarize long texts by copying the whole text and pasting it on ChatGPT’s Chat box with a prompt that says something like “summarize this text”. You can also use AskYourPDF to directly upload the document and get the summary, or use the AskYourPDF ChatGPT plugin to get the summary without having to copy and paste the whole text.
It is pretty easy to use AskYourPDF to get the summary of long texts I want to make use of. I take the saying “Don’t work harder; Work smarter” pretty seriously hysterically. So instead of having to copy and paste the entire text, which sometimes might be too much, I end up using AskYourPDF. I upload whatever document I will be needing information from, in whatever format, to AskYourPDF. It then analyzes my document for me, and then I can ask for a summary of the entire document. Ask Your PDF not only summarizes my documents, but can also provide any information I need from that document. This is really beneficial to me and the amount of work I do, cause I save time to attend to other matters.
Having used all three methods of summarizing long texts—using ChatGPT by copying and pasting the texts, using AskYourPDF by uploading my documents, or simply attaching the AskYourPDF plugin to ChatGPT to use both side-by-side—I will be giving you a step-by-step process of how you can do all three yourself. So, let's get right into it.

How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text by Copying and Pasting the Text

ChatGPT is a large language model from OpenAI that can be used for a variety of tasks, including text summarization. It is a powerful tool that can be used to quickly and easily summarize long documents, even those that are complex or technical.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can copy and paste long texts from a document to ChatGPT and prompt it to summarize:
  1. Open the document that contains the text you want to summarize. This can be from a PDF, Word document, or any other source.
  1. Select all of the text in the document.
  1. Press "Ctrl" + "C" (or "Command" + "C" on a Mac) to copy the text.
  1. Open the ChatGPT website.
  1. Click on the "Send Message" tab.
  1. Paste the text into the chat box.
  1. Add a prompt to the text, if desired. This is not required, but it can help ChatGPT generate a better summary. For example, you could add the prompt "Summarize the following text in a few sentences.
  1. Click the "Enter" button.
  1. ChatGPT will generate a summary of the text.

Tips for using ChatGPT to summarize long texts

  • Break up the text into smaller chunks if it is very long. This will help ChatGPT generate a more accurate and concise summary.
  • Use clear and concise prompts. The more specific you are, the better ChatGPT will be able to understand what you want.
  • Review the summary carefully before using it. ChatGPT is still under development, so its summaries may not always be perfect.

How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text by Uploading Documents to AskYourPDF

AskYourPDF is a personalized AI language model that I developed with OpenAI. It has been trained on a vast amount of data to provide information and answer questions on a variety of topics. Since I started using it, it has been a tool I have used to assist me in generating human-like text based on the document I provide. It is a cloud-based application that I can access from any device with an internet connection.
AskYourPDF uses natural language processing to comprehend the meaning of my queries. This allows me to ask questions about the content of the documents I upload in a natural way. AskYourPDF can be used to research information in the documents. This is beneficial to me, especially as a student, researcher, or professional who needs to find specific information quickly and easily.
To begin using AskYourPDF, I may choose to register first (not required). Here are the steps on how to register for AskYourPDF:
  1. Go to the AskYourPDF website and click on the "Start for free" option.
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  1. Click on “Create an account”, or “Continue with Google” to put in your email
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  1. Enter your email address and create a password.
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4. You will receive an email from AskYourPDF with a confirmation link. Click on the link to activate your account.
5. Once your account is activated, you can continue to the AskYourPDF website. It is not compulsory to create your account; it just gives you a personalized space, especially when you know you might need to use it often.
After successfully creating your account, here's how to upload your documents:
  1. Go to the AskYourPDF website and click on the "Upload" button.
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  1. Select the document file that you want to upload and allow it to be analyzed.
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  1. You will be taken to the chat window, where you can ask any question about the document you uploaded.
To summarize your document:
  1. Put in the prompt: “can you summarize this document” or simply “summarize this document”.
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  1. It will provide a summarized version of the document you uploaded.
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How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize Long Text by Using the AskYourPDF ChatGPT Plugin

AskYourPDF is a powerful tool for interacting with and extracting information from PDF documents. It uses artificial intelligence to understand the content of PDFs and to generate summaries, answers to questions, and creative text formats.
ChatGPT is a large language model that can be used for a variety of tasks, including summarization. ChatGPT's AskYourPDF plugin allows users to easily summarize PDF documents by uploading them to ChatGPT and asking for a summary.
To use ChatGPT to summarize a long text by uploading a document to AskYourPDF, follow these steps:
  1. Open the ChatGPT console. Click on your user avatar and "Settings & Beta" at the bottom left corner.
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In the Settings, click on the "Beta Features" section and turn on the plugins.
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Click the GPT-4 icon, and a drop-down will open to reveal the plugin menu.
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  1. Scroll down and click on the plugin store to open the plugin store.
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  1. In the search bar, type in “Askyourpdf” You will see two available versions of the AskYourPDF plugin:
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a) Legacy Version: This version has a yellow icon and is available to everyone, including free users.
b) Pro Version: This version has a black logo and offers enhanced features. It is designed mainly for Premium, Pro, and Enterprise (Custom) users.
  • If you choose to install the Pro version, you will be redirected to the AskYourPDF website, where you will need to sign up or log in if you are an existing user.
  • After installation, ensure you enable the plugin by making sure the little box is ticked blue, as shown below.
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To upload your documents using the AskYourPDF plugin, you can do it in two ways.
  1. Using a URL:
  1. If you have a URL linking to your document online, you can directly use it to query the document. Make sure the link ends with ".pdf" or any of the supported file formats. See the example below:
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  1. You can also supply links to your documents on Google Drive and Dropbox.
  1. Uploading a local PDF:
  • If your file is stored locally on your device:
  • Click on the "Upload" button.
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  • Select and upload your file from your local storage.
Once your document is uploaded or linked via URL, you can put it in the prompt to summarize it for you.

Examples of What You Can Use the AskYourPDF Website and Plugin to Summarize

Here are some examples of how you can use ChatGPT's AskYourPDF plugin to summarize long text:
  • Summarize a research paper. If you are a student or a researcher and you need to quickly get the gist of a research paper, you can use ChatGPT to generate a summary. Simply upload the PDF to ChatGPT and ask for a summary (if you have already installed AskYourPDF Plugging), or go to the AskYourPDF website and upload your document.
  • Summarize the technical documentation. If you're a professional and you often struggle to understand technical documentation, you can use AskYourPDF to generate a summary. This can help you quickly identify the key concepts and get a general understanding of the topic.
  • Summarize a news article. If you want to stay abreast of the current happenings around the world but do not have time to scan through your best news outlets and want to get a quick overview of a news article, you can use AskYourPDF to generate a summary of the article file or url. This can help you stay informed about current events without having to read the entire article.


AskYourPDF is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including summarizing long text, answering questions about PDF documents, and generating creative text formats. It is easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection. If you are a student, researcher, or professional who needs to quickly and easily extract information from PDF documents, AskYourPDF is a great tool for you. It can save you time and help you focus on your work.
If you are not already using AskYourPDF, I encourage you to try it out. It is a free and easy-to-use tool that can be a valuable asset to your workflow. Sign up for AskYourPDF today and start exploring the power of AI to extract information and generate creative text from PDF documents.
I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions about AskYourPDF, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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