The best reader for ChatGPT

The best readers for ChatGPT include AskYourPDF, Link Reader, Docalysis, WiseOne, and ChatPDF.

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The best reader for ChatGPT
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The best readers for ChatGPT include AskYourPDF, Link Reader, Docalysis, WiseOne, and ChatPDF.
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The best readers for ChatGPT include AskYourPDF, Link Reader, Docalysis, WiseOne, and ChatPDF.
You'll often have to deal with documents as a student or professional. Whether starting a report from scratch or summarizing an existing one, you'll spend much time reading through the content. Luckily, AI tools like ChatGPT can make these tasks much more accessible.
ChatGPT can assist with various document tasks, like creating bullet-point summaries, explaining specific topics, and answering questions about the content. But there's a condition: you can't directly upload files. You must copy and paste the document into the chat or upgrade to a Plus account to access online files and web pages. However, you can also find ChatGPT-powered document chatbots online where you can import your document and interact with it just like on ChatGPT.
In this article, we've highlighted five of the best readers for ChatGPT to ensure your convenience.
Key Takeaways
  • The best readers for ChatGPT include AskYourPDF, Link Reader, Docalysis, WiseOne, and ChatPDF.
  • These readers assist users with document-related tasks, such as summarizing content, analyzing reports, and answering questions.
  • Each reader has unique features tailored to different user needs, such as precise responses, content analysis, language recognition, and easy interaction.
  • Users can use these reader tools to enhance their productivity and efficiency in handling documents.

The 5 Best Readers for ChatGPT

1. AskYourPDF

Postgraduate academics favor the top-notch tool AskYourPDF. Its advanced AI algorithms ensure precise responses to queries. Accuracy is critical for postgraduate research, and AskYourPDF delivers when analyzing scholarly texts or extracting information from complex documents. It also helps organize documents efficiently, allowing users to sort, tag, and search files effortlessly, thus saving time.
Moreover, AskYourPDF aids in content creation for research papers, essays, and articles. It crafts essays and articles with proper citations, integrating credible sources seamlessly. The tool also keeps researchers updated on the latest developments in their fields by providing summaries of recent research papers, keeping their work current and relevant.
Critical features of AskYourPDF are:
  • Interactive Document Chats: Turn regular files into chats with AskYourPDF for helpful research discussions.
  • Various File Support: AskYourPDF works with lots of file types like PDF, TXT, PPT, P.P.T.X., EPUB, RTF, Word, and CSV, making sure it fits with what you have.
  • Efficient AI Help: Use smart AI to navigate documents easily, saving you from long scrolling and skimming.
  • Quick Summaries: Get fast PDF summaries with AskYourPDF's extension, which is perfect for grasping the main points in research papers.
  • Review Helper: It summarizes papers, finds main themes, and wraps up conclusions, making research more accessible.
  • Citation Aid: AskYourPDF helps you cite your sources correctly. Just upload your file, and it will create citations for academic stuff.
  • Thesis Statement Generator: Let the AI create strong thesis statements for your research.
  • PDF Tools: Merge PDFs or split them apart effortlessly with AskYourPDF.
  • Text Extraction: Use optical character recognition (OCR) to change images into editable text. AskYourPDF lets you pull text from scanned or image-based PDFs.

How to Use AskYourPDF

  1. Go to the official ChatGPT website.
  1. In settings, make sure you've turned on plugins under Beta Features.
  1. Start a new chat. Pick GPT-4 from the top and open the Plugin Store.
  1. Search for AskYourPDF and download it. If you want the Pro version, log in to your Pro account on AskYourPDF's site.
  1. Once downloaded, you must give your PDF to ChatGPT. You can do this by pasting an online PDF URL or uploading a local PDF to
Link Reader is a valuable addition to ChatGPT's toolkit. It's designed to read the content of the links you share. Combined with other ChatGPT plugins, it opens up a world of possibilities. You can use it to summarize web pages or fact-check news articles, among other tasks. Its versatility makes it a must-have for anyone using ChatGPT.
Critical features of Link Reader:
  • Versatile Content Analysis: Link Reader is great at understanding and summarizing information from different digital sources, such as websites, PDFs, and images. It gives accurate information by looking at linked content and identifying what's essential.
  • Understanding Complex Ideas: When you encounter tricky ideas, Link Reader can help. It translates, summarizes, and explains things in detail using the information from the links.
  • Easy to Use: Link Reader kicks in when it sees certain words. It simplifies tasks like summarizing articles and understanding digital content. Its easy-to-use setup improves user interaction.

3. Docalysis

Docalysis is not your average document chatbot. It stands out with its detailed responses. When you ask a question, it gives you the answer and tells you which page of the document it found it on. What's neat is that if you want to explore further, you don't have to leave Docalysis. Its chat interface shows the chatbox and the document side by side, making it easy to talk to the AI and read simultaneously.
Another cool feature is Docalysis's embedded code for documents. It's like adding Instagram or YouTube to your webpage, but instead of posts and videos, you get a Docalysis chat interface for visitors to interact with specific files. Docalysis works with PDFs, TXT, and CSV formats. Free users can upload up to 5 MB, but if you need to handle larger files, you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan.
Critical features of Docalysis:
  • Quick A.I. Answers: Docalysis responds quickly and accurately to PDF questions. Instead of reading for hours, use Docalysis to get information in seconds.
  • Smart PDF Analysis: Docalysis checks PDFs quickly, pulling out important details and giving short answers. It helps pros, researchers, and students do more.
  • Short Answers: Docalysis gives brief responses, saving you from long document searches. You'll get what you need without extra words.

4. Wiseone

Wiseone is a top ChatGPT AI Chrome extension, especially for readers. It's an AI-powered reading helper that seamlessly integrates into your browser. When you encounter tricky parts in texts, Wiseone steps in. Just hover over the challenging concept, and it quickly provides clear explanations and relevant context in a box. It can even suggest alternative articles if you want different perspectives.
Wiseone offers a handy "summarize" button for those who like short summaries, condensing the text into a few paragraphs. Plus, you can ask it various questions to enhance its expertise. When you're stuck on complex ideas, Wiseone is your go-to helper.
Critical features of Wiseone:
  • Smart Summaries: This tool makes reading more accessible by providing the main points and summary of articles. It saves time and provides essential information quickly.
  • Ask Anything: When you're stuck on something hard to understand, ask Wiseone. It gives clear answers from a web article or a long PDF.
  • Double-check: This feature ensures that the information you read is correct. It also helps you understand articles better by comparing data from different sources.
  • Supports Many Languages: WiseOne works in many languages so that more people can use it.
  • Simple Explanation: It makes complex stuff easy to understand and great for learning and research.

5. ChatPDF

ChatPDF does precisely what its name suggests: it lets you chat with your PDF documents. You can import your document in three ways: drag and drop a locally saved PDF, enter a direct link, or search for it online using the "Find a PDF" button.
Once your document is ready, ChatPDF analyzes it and opens the chat interface. You can start conversing with the PDF and scroll through the file here. You can use recommended questions or type your own. The cool part is that ChatPDF understands and speaks any language, whether the document's or yours. You'll find more options in the chat interface, like renaming or deleting the chat, resetting it (clearing the conversation), and exporting it as a text file. You can also share a link to your uploaded PDF for others to chat with, though they won't see your messages.
Critical features of ChatPDF:
  • Interactive Question and Answer: ChatPDF has a chat where you can ask questions about a PDF you upload. The AI answers based on what's in the document.
  • Smart Analysis: ChatPDF uses smart AI to understand and answer questions accurately. It helps analyze documents, making it easier to find specific information.
  • Language Detection: ChatPDF figures out the language of your PDF so it works smoothly, no matter what language it's in.
  • Quick Search: ChatPDF can scan PDFs fast, saving you time when looking for something specific.
  • Simple Answers: If there are tricky terms, ChatPDF explains them in easy language so you understand them better.
  • Works with Any PDF: ChatPDF works with all kinds of PDFs, making it useful for students, researchers, and professionals.


Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional, these tools can provide valuable support in tasks such as summarizing content, analyzing reports, and answering questions. By using AskYourPDF, Link Reader, Docalysis, WiseOne, and ChatPDF, users can improve their workflow and productivity and achieve better outcomes with their documents.

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