How to Upload a PDF to ChatGPT

The best way to upload a PDF to chatGPT is by using the askyourpdf plugin or Chrome extension. You can also use a code interpreter and an extension.

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How to Upload a PDF to ChatGPT
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The best way to upload a PDF to chatGPT is by using the askyourpdf plugin or Chrome extension. You can also use a code interpreter and an extension.
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How to Upload a PDF to ChatGPT

How to Upload a PDF to ChatGPT

The best way to upload a PDF to chatGPT is by using the askyourpdf plugin or Chrome extension. You can also use a code interpreter and an extension.
Another way is to use a code interpreter. This involves enabling the Code Interpreter feature in ChatGPT and then writing a script to upload the PDF file. Finally, you can also use an extension. Many extensions, like the ChatGPT File Uploader Extended, allow you to upload PDFs to ChatGPT.
ChatGPT is a powerful language model chatbot that can be used for various tasks, including answering questions, generating text, translating languages, and summarizing text. However, one of the limitations of ChatGPT is that it cannot directly process PDF files. Fortunately, the three ways mentioned above can be used to upload PDFs to ChatGPT.
In this article, we will be dishing out information on how you can upload PDFs to ChatGPT. We will give you the step-by-step process of doing this and pictorial representations for better understanding. By the end of this article, you will know which of the methods would work well for you.

Can You Upload A PDF To ChatGPT

No you can’t upload a document directly to chatGPT. Uploading a PDF to ChatGPT can be beneficial for several reasons. It allows you to process large amounts of text at once, helps you extract information from PDFs that would be difficult or time-consuming to do manually and can be used to generate text from PDFs, such as summaries or translations. It can also be used to create creative content from PDFs, such as poems, scripts, or musical pieces.
ChatGPT is a large-language chatbot developed by OpenAI. It can be used for various tasks, like answering questions, generating text, such as essays, articles, and code, translating languages, summarizing text, and writing different kinds of creative content.

Using AskYourPDF to Upload PDF

AskYourPDF is an AI-powered PDF chat application that allows you to interact with PDF documents in a more efficient way. It uses cutting-edge AI technology to help you quickly navigate, understand, and extract valuable data from your PDFs. It also makes learning from PDFs more engaging.
To upload a PDF to AskYourPDF, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the AskYourPDF website.
  1. Click on the "Upload PDF" button.
  1. A file selection window will appear. Select the PDF you want to upload and click the "Open" button.
  1. The PDF will be uploaded to AskYourPDF.
  1. Once the PDF has been uploaded, you will be taken to a chat screen where you can start asking questions about the PDF you uploaded.

Using plugins to upload PDFs to ChatGPT

As a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, you can now use the latest GPT-4 model and ChatGPT plugins to upload and study PDFs. To access these features, you need to enable ChatGPT plugins. Here are the steps involved:
  1. Go to the ChatGPT website and go to the settings. Select “Beta Features” and enable ChatGPT Plugins.
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  1. Then move to the “GPT-4” tab and click on “Plugins”.
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  1. Click on “Plugins store” next
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  1. In the "All" section, search for the "AskYourPDF" plugin and install it.
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  1. Enable the "AskYourPDF" plugin from the arrow icon.
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  1. Enter the document link into ChatGPT and ask any question you want.
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  1. If you want to upload your own document, run the following prompt: Upload a document.
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This will give you a link where you can upload the file.
  1. Go to the link and upload a document in any supported formats, such as PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, CSV, EPUB, or RTF.
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  1. The document will be processed and assigned a document ID. Copy this ID.
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  1. In ChatGPT's interface, paste the document ID and ask your questions. ChatGPT will automatically identify your uploaded document and let you only ask questions from that particular document.
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Using Code Interpreter to Upload PDF to ChatGPT

Using the Code Interpreter feature in ChatGPT, you can now upload files directly to the chat UI. OpenAI has opened access to the code interpreter for all paying users subscribed to ChatGPT Plus. This is a phased rollout, so users may receive the beta feature in a week or two. Here are the steps on how to upload a PDF:
  1. Open ChatGPT and go to the "Settings" menu in the bottom left corner.
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  1. Click on the “Beta features” and turn on “Code Interpreter”
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  1. Move to the “GPT-4” model and select the “Code Interpreter” in the drop down menu
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  1. A “+” button will appear in the text field below. You can click on it to upload files to ChatGPT
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Using an Extension to Upload PDF to ChatGPT

While OpenAI has not yet added a way to upload documents and files to ChatGPT, a Chrome extension called ChatGPT File Uploader Extended allows you to do so. It supports various file formats, including TXT, JS, PY, HTML, CSS, JSON, CSV, MD, TS, TSX, JSX, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, and ZIP. To learn how to use it, follow these steps:
  1. Install the ChatGPT File Uploader Extended extension. It is free to use and works with the Chrome browser.
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  1. Go to the ChatGPT website, and an "Upload" button will appear at the bottom right. Click it.
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  1. Select the document you want to upload. ChatGPT supports PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLSX, TXT, and other popular document formats.
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  1. ChatGPT will start processing your document automatically.
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  1. After a while, the AI chatbot will summarize the document.
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  1. You can now ask questions, and ChatGPT will answer them based on the uploaded document.
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  1. You can also click the "Settings" icon next to the "Upload" button to customize the settings for your document upload. For example, you can increase the chunk size if you have a large document. You can also customize the prompts, ZIP file settings, and more.
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N:B: When uploading to ChatGPT, the PDF must be readable by ChatGPT. This means that the text in the PDF must be clear and well-formatted. If you are using a browser extension, make sure that it is compatible with the version of ChatGPT that you are using. The AskYourPDF plugin is compatible with ChatGPT so you can use it.


In conclusion, we see that ChatGPT cannot directly have PDF files uploaded, but there are a few ways to overcome this limitation. One way is to use a plugin.
The Ask Your PDF application will allow you to upload PDFs to ChatGPT. Using the AskYourPDF application plugin is the most recommended method, and this is because it is a safer and more efficient method. Other ways are to use a code interpreter and an extension, which are equally good.
Which method you choose will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you are uncomfortable writing code, you may want to use the AskYourPDF plugin.
Thank you for reading. If you can try this, let me know what you think in the comment section till next time.

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