7 Best Free AI Text Generator

The 7 best free AI text generators include AskYourPDF, Copy.AI, Rytr.me, Writesonic, Simplified, INK, and ChatGPT. These AI text generators help you generate texts at the prompt you give. They are accurate and have a high level of precision. Apart from all that, they are free, so you do not have to pay to use them.

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7 Best Free AI Text Generator
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The 7 best free AI text generators include AskYourPDF, Copy.AI, Rytr.me, Writesonic, Simplified, INK, and ChatGPT. These AI text generators help you generate texts at the prompt you give. They are accurate and have a high level of precision. Apart from all that, they are free, so you do not have to pay to use them.
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7 Best Free AI Text Generator
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The 7 best free AI text generators include AskYourPDF, Copy.AI, Rytr.me, Writesonic, Simplified, INK, and ChatGPT. These AI text generators help you generate texts at the prompt you give. They are accurate and have a high level of precision. Apart from all that, they are free, so you do not have to pay to use them.
These AI text-generating tools are instrumental in overcoming writer's block by offering various perspectives, inspiring ideas, and providing a fresh take when you're stuck. They ignite creativity by generating unique angles, offering content prompts, and sparking innovative thoughts. Furthermore, they significantly save time by automating the writing process, crafting drafts, and reducing the time spent brainstorming. Each AI text generator has distinct features, strengths, and specialised capabilities, catering to various writing requirements and preferences.
So, in this article, we will let you in on their features, strengths, and weaknesses. So, hang on while we jump right in.


AskYourPDF is an AI-powered tool that allows you to upload documents and get summaries from them. Recently, a new tool was added to the fold—an AI text generator. It is easy and free to use.

How to use

To use the AskYourPDF AI text generator, follow these steps:
  • Head to the AskYourPDF AI Text Generator or the AskYourPDF website, then scroll down to “Tools” and choose "AI Text Generator.”.
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  • Put in your prompt.
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  • Select the purpose of the prompt, the tone you want the prompt to have, and the length you want the text generated to be. Then, “Generate Text.”.
  • Your generated text will be ready for export.
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  • Content Creation: Generate various text formats, including articles, blog posts, emails, product descriptions, social media posts, scripts, poems, and more.
  • Content editing: paraphrase, summarise, expand, or shorten existing text.
  • Personalization: Customize text generation based on tone, purpose, and length.

Free Plan

Unlimited use.


  • Increased Efficiency: Generate content faster than manual writing.
  • Overcome Writer's Block: Get new ideas and perspectives.
  • Improved Quality: Ensure grammar and fluency
  • Boost Creativity: Explore different writing styles and formats.


  • It may require fact-checking


Copy.ai is a popular AI writing assistant boasting numerous features to streamline content creation.


  • 90+ Content Generation Tools: Create everything from blog posts and product descriptions to ad copy and social media captions.
  • AI-Powered Prompts and Templates: Skip writer's block with guided prompts and pre-built templates for various content types.
  • Supercharge Mode: Extract content directly from websites with a URL, automatically generating copy based on the site's information.
  • Custom Templates: Build your custom templates for frequently used content types.
  • 25+ Languages: Generate content in multiple languages for international reach.
  • Collaboration Features: Share projects and work with team members on shared accounts.
  • Grammar and Plagiarism Checker: Ensure your content is polished and original.
  • Content Calendar and Scheduler: Plan and schedule your content creation workflow.

Free Plan

Limited access to basic tools and 2,000 words per month.


  • Highly user-friendly: The easy-to-use interface and straightforward tools make it accessible for beginners.
  • Extensive feature set: Many content types and prompts cater to diverse needs.
  • Free plan availability: Try the limited free plan before you buy.
  • Focus on marketing and business copy: a strong emphasis on creating conversion-driven content.


  • Can be repetitive with some tools. Outputs may lack originality at times.
  • Limited control over fine-tuning output: AI can sometimes stray from your intended direction.
  • Accuracy depends on prompts. The output quality hinges heavily on your prompts' clarity.


Rytr.me is another AI writing assistant; its creativity helps with content creation for marketing and business ideas.


  • Content Generation: Generate blog posts, product descriptions, social media captions, ads, scripts, poems, and emails! Over 80 content types await your command.
  • AI-Powered Prompts and Templates: Don't know where to begin? Rytr provides helpful prompts and pre-built templates to jumpstart your creative engine.
  • Multi-Lingual: Speak to the world! Generate content in 25+ languages, expanding your reach beyond borders.
  • Tone builder: Do you want your content to be witty, sarcastic, formal, or friendly? Rytr can adapt its voice to match your desired tone.
  • SERP Analysis: Optimize your content for search engines with built-in keyword research and analysis tools.
  • Content Planner and Scheduler: Organize your workflow with content planning and scheduling features.
  • Grammar and Plagiarism Check: Ensure your content is polished and shines with originality.
  • AI Image Generator: Spark your visual storytelling with AI-powered image generation.

Free Plan

Get a taste of Rytr's magic with 10,000 characters per month and access to basic features.


  • Highly user-friendly: The simple interface and intuitive tools make it a breeze for beginners.
  • Diverse content creation capabilities: Rytr caters to various writing needs, from blog posts to poems.
  • Free to use
  • Focus on originality and creativity: Rytr helps you overcome writer's block and spark fresh ideas.
  • Constant development: New features and languages are added regularly, keeping it exciting and up-to-date.


  • Limited control over output: Fine-tuning specific details can be challenging with the current features.


Writesonic is an AI writing assistant known for its focus on improving existing content and generating different creative text formats.


  • Content Creation: Generate various content formats like landing pages, ads, blogs, emails, product descriptions, social media posts, etc. Long-form content creation with outlines and sections.
  • SEO optimization includes target keyword suggestions and meta descriptions.
  • Multilingual support for over 25 languages.
  • Content Editing: Paraphrase existing content to find new angles or rephrase sentences. Expand or shorten the range to meet specific requirements.
  • Plagiarism checker: Check for plagiarism and ensure originality.
  • Growth Tools: Generate marketing and sales copy with high conversion potential. Brainstorm new ideas for content, blog posts, or business ventures. Create catchy headlines and a call to action.
  • Team collaboration with shared projects and workspaces.
  • Integrations with various platforms like WordPress, Zapier, Google Docs, etc.

Free Plan

Access to limited features and 10,000 premium words per month.


  • Increased Efficiency: Generate content significantly faster than writing manually.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Save money on hiring writers or other content creation services.
  • Improved Quality: Ensures grammatically correct and error-free content.
  • Boosted Creativity: Get new ideas and overcome writer's block.
  • SEO Optimization: Content optimized for better search engine visibility.
  • Easy to Use: user-friendly interface and straightforward workflow.
  • Limited Customization: The content may not always perfectly match your specific needs.
  • Lack of Deep Understanding: I need help with complex concepts or nuanced topics.
  • Potential Plagiarism: Requires careful reviewing and editing to avoid unintentional similarity.

Simplified AI

Simplified AI is a user-friendly tool designed specifically for content creators, offering simple workflows and emphasizing clear communication.


  • AI Text Generation: Generate social media captions, ad copy, blog posts, product descriptions, and more powered by AI prompts and templates.
  • Graphic Design Studio: Design social media graphics, images for blog posts, website banners, and other visuals without needing graphic design skills.
  • Video Editor: Create engaging video content with pre-built templates, royalty-free music, and AI narration, adding professional polish in minutes.
  • Content Calendar and Scheduler: Plan and schedule your content across multiple social media platforms, staying organized and efficient.
  • Team Collaboration: Work with your team on all aspects of content creation, streamlining workflows, and fostering collaboration.
  • Link Shortener and Bio Link: Shorten your long links and create a landing page for your social media bios, maximizing your online presence.
  • Chrome Extension: Access Simplified's features from your browser, making content creation seamless wherever you browse.

Free Plan

Limited features, five credits per month for AI tools, and five content slots in the calendar.


  • All-in-one platform: Simplifies your content creation process with text, graphics, video, and scheduling tools.
  • User-friendly interface: easy to use, even for beginners, with intuitive tools and drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Freemium model: Try before you buy with the free plan and upgrade to unlock more features.
  • Focus on social media and marketing: ideal for creators and businesses promoting their content online.


  • Outputs can sometimes be repetitive; AI-generated content may lack originality if prompts are vague.
  • Limited control over details: Fine-tuning specific aspects of design or text can be challenging.


INK is an AI writing tool that goes beyond content generation, providing features for SEO optimization and audience engagement analysis.


  • Content Creation: Generate various content formats like blogs, articles, product descriptions, marketing copy, social media posts, scripts, and poems!
  • SEO optimization involves keyword research and meta descriptions.
  • Multilingual support for over 25 languages.
  • Content editing: paraphrase existing content to improve clarity or find new angles. Summarize long texts into concise snippets—fact-check content for accuracy and reliability.
  • Plagiarism detection and originality reports.
  • Creative Tools: Generate innovative text formats like poems, scripts, letters, musical pieces, etc. Explore various writing styles and tones for your content. Develop character profiles and backstories for fictional writing.
  • Real-time feedback and suggestions on your writing.
  • Content calendar planning and scheduling.
  • Integrations with various platforms like Google Docs, WordPress, and social media.

Free Plan

Access to limited features and 10,000 words per month.


  • Highly Versatile: Handles various content formats and creative writing tasks.
  • Advanced Features: Unique offerings include real-time feedback, fact-checking, and character development.
  • Collaborative Platform: Team functionality makes it ideal for agencies or content teams.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate and understand, even for non-technical users.


  • Learning Curve: Some advanced features require initial exploration.
  • Accuracy Limitations: Fact-checking may not be perfect for complex topics.
  • Creative Control: AI suggestions might not always match your specific vision.
  • Limited Multilingual Support: INK offers fewer options than Writesonic's 25+ languages.


ChatGPT is a powerful language model from OpenAI, offering advanced text generation capabilities but requiring more technical knowledge to use effectively.


  • Conversations: Engage in realistic and engaging conversations on diverse topics. Ask questions, debate arguments, or chat with impressive fluency and coherence.
  • Text Generation: Generate creative text formats like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc.
  • Content Creation: Craft different content formats like articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and even marketing copy with AI's assistance.
  • Information Retrieval: Ask questions and receive informative answers, drawing from ChatGPT's vast knowledge base and internet access.
  • Multilingual Support: Communicate in over 70 languages, further expanding your interaction and information-gathering options.

Free Plan

Unlimited use without premium features.


  • Highly Conversational: It feels like talking to a real person due to its natural language processing capabilities.
  • Versatile Text Generation: Handles various creative and informative text formats with impressive quality.
  • Multiple Applications: Can be used for entertainment, learning, research, content creation, and more.
  • Constantly Learning: Improves over time with user interaction and access to new data.
  • Multilingual Communication: This breaks down language barriers and broadens your reach.


  • Potential Misinformation: I can't always distinguish fact from fiction, requiring careful user discretion.
  • Bias and Fairness Concerns: This may reflect biases in its training data.
  • Limited Context Awareness: Struggles to understand complex contexts or maintain long-term conversation threads.


These AI writing tools are some of the best you can find online. They can help you write faster and explore new ideas, but don't let them replace your thinking. Use them wisely, focus on creating original content, and remember that fact-checking is paramount.
Thank you for reading!

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