5 Best GPT for Students

The 5 best GPTs for students are AskYourPDF Research Assistant, AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder, Wolfram, Quick Recall, and ScholarAI. These incredibly benefit students, enhancing their learning experience and providing valuable assistance.

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5 Best GPT for Students
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The 5 best GPTs for students are AskYourPDF Research Assistant, AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder, Wolfram, Quick Recall, and ScholarAI. These incredibly benefit students, enhancing their learning experience and providing valuable assistance.
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The 5 best GPTs for students are AskYourPDF Research Assistant, AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder, Wolfram, Quick Recall, and ScholarAI. These incredibly benefit students, enhancing their learning experience and providing valuable assistance.
When it comes to getting things done with ChatGPT, there's a bit of a hurdle. Tasks like summarizing PDFs or completing assignments often involve manual input or using prompts. It gets a bit tricky and time-consuming. But here's the good news: GPTs can change that game. They're plugins you add to your ChatGPT Plus to help streamline your learning process as a student. With them, you can breeze through some repetitive and dull steps of constant prompting, letting you concentrate solely on your school work.
In this article, you will learn about the 5 best GPTs for students tailored to make their lives easier.
Key Takeaway
  • GPTs for students revolutionize the way students complete their schoolwork.
  • You only need to install the plugins on your ChatGPT, and you can start using them.
  • The 5 best GPTs for students are AskYourPDF Research Assistant, AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder, Wolfram, Quick Recall, and ScholarAI.
  • If you want just one from this list to assist you as a student, then the AskYourPDF Research Assistant is your best bet.

Ask Your PDF Research Assistant

AskYourPDF Research Assistant is a GPT plugin that can help make the rest of your journey through school an easy one.
With the AskYourPDF Research Assistant, as the name suggests, you can ask questions and have a chat with your PDFs. This is handy for research or learning new things, as it turns your PDF documents into a more conversational format, saving you from long hours of reading. Compared to directly using ChatGPT, which is known for its delusions when it comes to academic papers, AskYourPDF can help you generate articles or essays and provide valid citations.
Using this plugin, you can upload multiple files or PDFs directly to AskYourPDF servers and chat using the "Document ID." Another way is to upload your PDFs to cloud servers like Google Drive and share the URL with ChatGPT. Remember, though, that you're sharing your PDFs, so be careful not to share anything private. But here's the thing: the plugin gives you a link to delete the PDF from its servers right in the answer, no matter how you shared it. So, if you're worried about privacy, you can delete the PDF later.
AskYourPDF is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your academic experience and some key features of the AskYourPDF GPTs include:
  • Interactive Summarization: AskYourPDF lets you interact with PDFs by asking questions and getting short, summarized answers. Instead of going through long documents, you can quickly get important information about your studies.
  • Works with Different Document Types: Whether you're using PDFs, TXT files, EPUBs, RTF, CSV, or PPTX, AskYourPDF can handle them. It smoothly deals with various document types, making it versatile for academic work.
  • No Need for an Account: You can start summarizing immediately without making an account. Just use the tool and pull out insights from your documents without hassle.
  • Keep Track of Your Conversations: Easily see, go back to, and download your chat histories. This feature ensures that you can look at past interactions and get the information you need whenever you want.
  • Upload and Search Together: With AskYourPDF Pro, you can simultaneously upload and search through multiple PDF documents. This helps save time, especially when dealing with many files.
  • Organize PDFs into Knowledge Bases: Effortlessly categorize your PDFs into well-structured knowledge bases.
  • Smart and Easy Search: AskYourPDF Pro's smart AI understands your needs. It gives accurate answers by finding the right information in the right documents. No more scrolling through endless pages or searching manually.
  • Fast Document Removal: Keeping your workspace neat is simple with AskYourPDF Pro. You can quickly delete documents with just a few clicks, keeping your workspace clean.
  • Compare PDFs: Take a closer look at your documents by comparing multiple PDFs side-by-side. This helpful feature improves how you examine your documents.

AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder

The AskYourPDF plugin is a real time saver, especially for students in the digital age, sparing you from the tedious task of scrolling through lengthy documents. It's a helpful tool indeed.
The Academic Paper Finder does exactly what its name says. It can help you search through millions of sources on the web for relevant academic papers you can use. All you have to do is input your question or what you're looking for.
Some key features of the AskYourPDF academic paper finder include:
  • No Need for an Account: You can start summarizing immediately without making an account. Just use the tool and pull out insights from your documents without hassle.
  • Access to the Latest Research Papers: Stay informed with easy access to the latest research papers.
  • Searches for relevant academic papers: Leverages ChatGPT's capabilities to scan vast scholarly databases and deliver papers related to your research topic, saving you time and effort.
  • Supports various search inputs: Accepts keywords, reference lists, prompts, and specific identifiers like DOIs and PubMed IDs, ensuring high accuracy in fetching relevant papers.
  • Filter results: It allows you to refine your search using filters like publication date, author, journal, and methodology, leading to more targeted results.


Navigating the complexities of mathematics can be a daunting task. However, the Wolfram plugin for ChatGPT can help turn this struggle into a success. It seamlessly integrates Wolfram Alpha and Wolfram Language, offering various mathematical tools. Whether grappling with differentials, integrals, or intricate calculations, Wolfram provides accurate answers and walks you through each step, facilitating learning and comprehension. It's akin to having a personal math tutor right at your fingertips, eliminating the worry of hourly fees.
Yet Wolfram doesn't stop at mathematics; it extends its capabilities into science, technology, society, culture, and everyday life. Whether generating infographics, diagrams, or answering questions across diverse subjects, Wolfram becomes a reliable companion for academic challenges.
Here are some key features:
  • Wolfram|Alpha Pro: This tool helps you step-by-step with your homework and research in different subjects, like having a personal tutor right on your device.
  • Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition: It combines the simplicity of Wolfram|Alpha with the powerful capabilities of Mathematica, letting you explore and visualize complex ideas easily.
  • Wolfram Language: This revolutionary programming language uses knowledge to express ideas and solve problems effectively.
  • Wolfram Notebooks: It's a workspace for technical tasks, great for exploring data, creating visuals, and researching.
  • Wolfram Cloud is the central hub for Wolfram’s cloud products and services, making collaboration and computation seamless.
  • Wolfram Engine: It's a software engine that puts the Wolfram Language into action, enabling powerful computations and analytics.

Quick Recall

Enhancing learning through repetition is key, and Quick Recall, an AI-powered flashcard plugin, simplifies this process. It employs the principle of spaced repetition to aid students in retaining information effectively. Creating flashcards is a breeze with this plugin, as it allows you to generate them within ChatGPT, ensuring convenience and accessibility for students.
With Quick Recall, you can craft your own flashcards by inputting questions and answers or seeking information from ChatGPT, instructing Quick Recall to generate flashcards based on the response. The plugin facilitates systematic review, prompting users to rate their recall on a scale of 0 to 3 after each session. These ratings guide Quick Recall in adjusting the review schedule for each flashcard, optimizing the learning process, and promoting information retention.
Here are some key features of Quick Recall:
  • Making Flashcards: QuickRecall lets you make flashcards right in ChatGPT. You can create them for different subjects, topics, or ideas.
  • Remembering Better: The plugin uses spaced repetition, showing flashcards one after another, giving you time to remember and check what you know. This method helps you remember things better.
  • Reviewing Effectively: QuickRecall helps you go through your flashcards efficiently. Going back to the material regularly reinforces what you've learned.
  • Tips and Help: The plugin gives useful tips on using it well. It guides you on making good flashcards and getting the most out of them.
  • Keeping Track of Progress: QuickRecall helps you see how well you remember. You can check your progress and adjust how you study based on that.


The ScholarAI plugin is a valuable resource for students involved in scientific research. It serves as a vast knowledge base, providing access to different peer-reviewed papers and scientific literature. Researching complex topics and understanding academic language can be difficult, but ScholarAI simplifies it by assisting in the discovery of relevant papers and verifying the credibility of the information with real citations from peer-reviewed literature.
Finding papers is made easy with ScholarAI. Users can search based on keywords, topics, or authors. The plugin simplifies the core ideas and concepts of these papers, making them understandable even for those unfamiliar with the subject. ScholarAI eliminates the difficulties of navigating complex scientific databases and acts as a user-friendly guide through research papers, giving users a sense of expertise. To activate ScholarAI, simply input your topic, and ChatGPT will analyze your query, activate the plugin, and generate a response with multiple peer-reviewed studies. The response will include names, abstracts, authors, and links for further exploration.
Here are some key features of the ScholarAI:
  • Smart Search Technology: ScholarAI uses advanced search technology that understands the meaning of words. It finds the most important research papers, books, and other helpful resources for you.
  • Note-making: ScholarAI can create detailed notes for you. Whether you're studying a hard topic or need short summaries, ScholarAI can help.
  • Turning Images into Text: If you have notes written by hand or in pictures, ScholarAI can change them into text. This makes sure you don't lose any important information.
  • Making summaries: long paragraphs? No problem! ScholarAI can shorten them into key points, saving you time and helping you focus on what matters.
  • Help with Academic Papers: ScholarAI can help you start academic papers and plan out your research. It's like having a virtual assistant for your studies.


When choosing the best GPT plugins for students, our top picks are the two AskYourPDF GPT plugins: AskYourPDF Research Assistant and AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder.
They both offer different features. One, AskYourPDF Research Assistant, will act as an assistant while doing any research for your school work (our #1 pick). The other one, AskYourPDF Academic Paper Finder, will help you find papers you can use for your schoolwork.
While other GPT plugins like Wolfram, Quick Recall, and ScholarAI are beneficial in specific domains such as mathematics, flashcard creation, and scientific research, AskYourPDF stands out with its versatility and user-friendly features, making it the ultimate choice for students looking for a comprehensive tool to enhance their academic experience.

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